Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Almost November

This year has zipped right by. I did not get to do as much with HCPL next generation as I hoped. Oh, Well, next year I will work on some more and continue to expand.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Games and Gaming #37

I know I'm late starting but am doing this to expand my horizons. Gaming is not my favorite part of the "new"library but then again I work in adult services and facilitate adult programing. The New York Times article was intresting but I haven't seen our teens moving from gaming to books, magazines or other materials. It is hoped that they will eventually. We are providing a social service and are exceptionally lucky to have a great YA staff to provide and direct game days and other programs for our youth. I know that many libraries are stretched to plan and facilitate youth programing. Gaming is here to stay whether it is someone playing solitaire online or runescape or one of the newer games the young people are playing.

I enjoyed the Carnegie Mellon Libraries "I'll Get it Game" but couldn't figure out how to move the books in the other game. Yes, I am one of those who only like to play games they can win and my hand eye coordination is lousy. Next week another staff member and I will be demonstrating wii bowling and encouraging the adults at our 50+ program to join us in a game. I looked at a retro game site and would enjoy trying pacman again although I was never very good at that either.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

IHCPL # 30- Take a Load Off Our Drives

I use the S-drive to hold flyer and poster requests until Marketing and Programming can send us the requested copies. These are deleted within a short time. I keep the original on the FM drive since Luchiann creates them and we often repeat good programs.

On the FM p-drive I reviewed, combined and deleted the files and folders that I am responsible for that were out of date or obsolete. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it might be. I have a Flickr account for holding photos that I might want at work. All my personal photos are in my Picasa Google account that is limited to invitation only.

My e-mail and personal folders are up to date using the information acquired at the File Management Workshop presented by Harris County I attended a couple of years ago. My oldest files are flyers that I use in Adult Programming and I don’t think anything is really older than 2006 because we update and reuse them.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spring Cleaning #29

1. I have used g-mail for my personal mail for about a year now and found it is perfect for me. I use it to filter all mail before I move the important mail to my personal outlook account, it is a good place to hold current mail and photos I am working with.

A couple of years ago I attended a file management seminar presented by the Harris County Clerks office at the Harris County Training at Reliant. They did an excellent job of helping me know which electronic file to keep, and which ones to throw away. Although I have a tendency to throw things out and need them later I can often find a staff member that kept the necessary file.

My address book is fairly current, here at Freeman I have a little trouble keeping up with staff not in my department but overall, my address book is good. I put all my contacts for adult programming into an excel file on the p-drive and took my empty rolodex down to the supply room. Now everyone has access to the programs, names and numbers even if I am not available and my desk is cleaner.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Free Yourself from Clutter and Worry

This was a very interesting project. "Getting Things Done" was fun, especially the 'Hipster PDA'. I am considering purchasing the 'moleskine paperpad' or it's counterpart to keep in our camper for all those things we need to do or purchase while traveling and don't have my PDA handy to input into.

the "Zen of Tech" was encouraging since I already use the Google Calender for my work projects, when to call and remind speakers and about upcoming programs and deadlines. Google documents is my favorite place to keep a spreadsheet of names and addresses. I am currently adding to this and plan on doing away with my Rolodex as soon as I get them all moved. Picasa web albums is where I put all photos scanned from family albums and now my family across the U.S. can access them from home. I also learned that I already have 'Google Reader' and will plan to do away with blog lines and just use this one for all my rss feeds when I have time. 'Remember the Milk' was fun to look at but think it would just duplicate what I already have.

Twitter was new to me and being constantly "in touch" with other people is not something that I am interested in.

Technology has been helpful in many ways but too much technology such as being "connected" all the time is not for me. I need space and times without music, voices, beeps and other sounds. That is why I love to go to the beach and state parks to listen to nature. Even the sound of city traffic can be restful after hearing people talk, work phones ringing, cell phones going off, and children coming in and out all day long.

Monday, January 14, 2008

50+ program at FM

We are already charging into 2008! I have been through the sickness that has touched almost everyone I know at work as well as my personal life but am well and excited about the 50+ program here at FM. February is animal care and adoption, March is yard and gardens. This program is geared for adults and meets every Friday AM. This is sometimes a challenge to do it weekly but it makes it easier for everyone to remember when we are meeting. We show an approved movie once a month which helps. In all the years I have done adult programing at FM this is the only adult program that has shown reasonable to good attendance. We have had from 3-14 come for movies (9 is average), some programs draw more than othersa we have had from 2-27 for various programs. I have foung that music programs, Lawyers from HBA speaking on subject for seniors, and pets are ones that the most people come out for. We have had good results with Master Gardners coming to speak as well.

Of course I don't do this alone, we have an adult resource council with two staff members and two volunteers as well as Ms. Akkerman that plan,call, setup and provide refreshments for all the program.

If anyone is intrested I will gladly share our contacts and program idea .