This was a very interesting project. "Getting Things Done" was fun, especially the 'Hipster PDA'. I am considering purchasing the 'moleskine paperpad' or it's counterpart to keep in our camper for all those things we need to do or purchase while traveling and don't have my PDA handy to input into.
the "Zen of Tech" was encouraging since I already use the Google Calender for my work projects, when to call and remind speakers and about upcoming programs and deadlines. Google documents is my favorite place to keep a spreadsheet of names and addresses. I am currently adding to this and plan on doing away with my Rolodex as soon as I get them all moved. Picasa web albums is where I put all photos scanned from family albums and now my family across the U.S. can access them from home. I also learned that I already have 'Google Reader' and will plan to do away with blog lines and just use this one for all my rss feeds when I have time. 'Remember the Milk' was fun to look at but think it would just duplicate what I already have.
Twitter was new to me and being constantly "in touch" with other people is not something that I am interested in.
Technology has been helpful in many ways but too much technology such as being "connected" all the time is not for me. I need space and times without music, voices, beeps and other sounds. That is why I love to go to the beach and state parks to listen to nature. Even the sound of city traffic can be restful after hearing people talk, work phones ringing, cell phones going off, and children coming in and out all day long.